Foot Pain and Function Physiotherapist

Are you someone who has ongoing foot or ankle pain which hasn’t been solved? Do you suffer from bunions, plantar fasciopathy (plantar fasciitis) or achilles related pain and find that you haven’t improved in years? 

Are you someone who has ongoing foot or ankle pain which hasn’t been solved? Do you suffer from bunions, plantar fasciopathy (plantar fasciitis) or achilles related pain and find that you haven’t improved in years?

When working with your foot and ankle, it requires a deep understanding of how the foot and ankle complex moves. When it comes to helping to resolve your foot or ankle pain, it requires not only the knowledge of how they move, but how your foot and ankle influence your kinetic chain, how your nervous system is responding to the movement and experience of pain, and how to link the foot and ankle into a whole body movement experience.

Our resident ‘foot physio’ Tom Williams has worked with hundreds of people around Australia and the world to help them resolve their foot and ankle pain. Tom is TFC pro and Foot Nerd who has worked with The Foot Collective to help improve the foot and ankle health of people around the globe.

Tom has a deep understanding of foot biomechanics, which when linked with his understanding of breathing mechanics and the influence of the nervous system on movement, allows him to understand how best to get YOU back moving.

If you are experience any of the following foot or ankle related issues, it is time to come in and get STARTED:

  • Bunion-related pain (Hallux Valgus or Bunionette ‘tailors bunion’)
  • Plantar-fascia related pain (plantar fasciopathy/plantar fasciitis)
  • Morton’s Neuroma (Interdigital Neuroma)
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Tibial Posterior Tendinopathy
  • ‘Shins Splints’ (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)